Eight Financial Technology Startups Enter The Fintech Innovation Lab Asia-pacific – Yahoo Finance

FinSuite is already available in Australia and is seeking to expand its services in Asia-Pacific. I Think Security Ltd. is a cyber-security lab that provides easy-to-use, highest-grade data protection solutions to prevent data leaks and corporate espionage.The Ontario-based company’s main product, LOQ, is an information security and tracking service that is being used by financial institutions to secure information sharing with high-net-worth individuals. LOQ enables users to drive new revenues, reduce costs and achieve compliance. I Think Security Ltd. seeks to expand into Asia-Pacific. iDGate has developed an identity authentication system for online and mobile transactions that does not require a one-time-password via Short Message Service (SMS) or security device. The Taipei-based company leverages a multi-factor authentication process to send a push notification on behalf of the financial institution whenever a financial transaction is initiated that allows users to authenticate it via their smartphones. The aim is to provide better security and an easier-to-use experience to everyday users and to save financial institutions money, since the service is less expensive than the cost of using a security device or sending multiple SMS. Jocata Financial Advisory & Technology Services Private Ltd. provides sophisticated Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) software that not only meets regulatory expectations and reduces the cost of compliance but also aims to drive business growth by creating a high-quality, standardized and reusable data asset.
Source: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/eight-financial-technology-startups-enter-010300204.html

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