Android Breaks Free: One Step Closer To World Domination | Siliconangle

Android US Market Share1

Apples hold over its fanbois is slowly slipping, while Windows Phones growth seems to have stalled in 2014. The findings arent all that surprising. High street stores across the world are awash with Android devices of all shapes and sizes, and Apple refuses to compete in the extremely massive lower-end market. Theres also the huge amount of pre-publicity surrounding the all-new iPhone 6 , set to launch in a few weeks, thats probably put off many a fanboi from buying just yet. As far as Windows Phone is concerned, its biggest problem is theres been hardly any new products released this year. Device makers have been patiently waiting for the launch of Windows Phone 8.1 before releasing their products, and the new Nokia Lumia 630 only began shipping in June, which means its sales data barely figures yet. Androids dominance is best illustrated in the US, where it has always faced strong competition from Apple. Its market share increased by 11.4 percent year-on-year and is now running on 62.9 percent of all smartphones in the country. Interestingly, iOS share fell by almost the same amount 11.8 percent, which could possibly indicate that a lot of people are swapping out their iPhones for something else. Windows Phone didnt figure much better its share has slipped aplikasi bbm untuk android from an all-time high of 5.3 percent in February 2014 to just 3.8 percent now.

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